Roses are known as one of the world's most popular flowers and have been revered for centuries. Roses belong to the deciduous shrubs of the rose family, and it has hundreds, if not thousands, of varieties. These varieties have come from Asia as well North America, Europe, and Africa.
Types Of Roses You Can Grow
Hybrid Tea Roses
Hybrid tea is the product of a cross between a traditional tea rose and a hybrid perpetual rose, and is the most common type of garden rose. It typically produces a single flower at the end of a long stem 4-6 feet tall. Each rose has about 60 or more petals and can repeat the bloom and give off a fragrant scent.
Climbing Roses
Climbing roses grow vines that can climb to a height of 8-10 feet when fully grown and have a significant amount of weight. So, we need to use rose towers or tent grids to support them.
Miniature Roses
As the name implies, it is a shorter variety compared to traditional roses, growing to about 3 feet. It is suitable for planting in patios or decks where space is limited. Of course, you can also grow them in containers.

Where To Buy Roses
You can shop for roses through mail-order nurseries, local nursery stores, and grocery stores .
Mail-order nurseries usually sell roses that are bare-rooted or dormant. Local nursery stores usually sell potted roses, and grocery stores more often sell bare-root or potted roses.

When To Plant Roses
Planting time varies slightly for different types of roses. For bare root roses, planting is best done in the spring before mid-April. Bare root roses are generally available in early spring, and you are best to purchase them when they are dormant or just starting to grow, and plant them as soon as they arrive.
If you are purchasing potted roses, you can plant them any time during the growing season or after the last frost. Of course, you'll want to make sure you keep them well watered, especially in hot weather like summer.

How To Care for Roses
The popular perception is that growing and caring for roses is difficult, and it takes a lot of time and effort from the gardener for pruning and maintenance. However, as the varieties of roses continue to be cultivated and upgraded, the difficulty of caring for them is decreasing.
Roses tend to compete with other plants for water and sunlight. It is best to plant roses at least 3 feet away from other plants, with each rose bush at least 2 feet apart. Also, avoid windy areas, which can cause roses to grow leaning or can even cause the plant to die.

Roses love sunlight and you want to make sure it has at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight. The more light it gets, the more flowers it will produce; in low light conditions, roses will not only grow poorly, but they will also be more susceptible to pests and diseases.
If you live in the northern states, you can plant your rose on the south side of your garden so that it receives full sun all year round. If you live in the southern states, afternoon shade is the best choice to reduce damage to your rose from the hot sun.

Roses need to be planted in well-drained, loose, fertile soil with a pH level between 5.5 and 6.5. Soils that are too alkaline can be amended by adding sulfur or gypsum. Soils that are too acidic can be mended by adding limestone to neutralize the acidity. There is a simple way to maintain the acidity of the soil: add a suitable amount of vinegar or ferrous sulfate to the water when watering daily.

Temperature And Humidity
Extreme heat and high humidity are not conducive to the growth of roses. It grows at a moderate temperature of 60 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit, with an optimum humidity range of 60% to 70%. Purchase a thermo-hygrometer, which will be the least expensive tool to protect your roses.
The RainPoint outdoor thermohygrometer can be placed around the rose and used to monitor the temperature and humidity outside. It can be connected to your phone via WiFi and you can open the Homgar APP anywhere to get real-time data on the growing environment of your roses.

The amount of watering needs to be flexibly adjusted according to the different growth cycles of roses. Usually, deep watering is done once every 4 to 5 days in spring and fall, and once every 2 to 3 days in the drier summer months. Regardless of the season, it is best to use a spray can or hose to water at the roots during sunny periods. Keeping the leaves dry will help roses resist disturbance by pests and diseases such as powdery mildew.
As a reference, the following figures for rose watering are available.
- Shrub roses: 1-3 gallons
- Climbing roses:2-6 gallons
- Potted roses: 1-3 gallons

You can observe the amount of water that has been supplied to your roses with the help of the RainPoint Smart Water Flow Meter. The digital display is designed to allow you to see at a glance the exact amount of water being lost during watering. Strictly control the amount of water to give your roses better growing conditions.
Fertilizing is an essential part of the process to help roses have adequate nutrients to grow. Before flowering, you can add a moderate amount of compost or natural fertilizer to nourish your roses. Between April and July, you can add a cup of granular fertilizer (5-10-5 or 5-10-10) around each rose bush. In May and June, you can add a little magnesium sulfate along with the fertilizer to promote new growth; banana peels are a good choice as well.

How and when to prune varies from one type of rose to another. You can follow a basic rule and cut the rose cane back to 2/3 of its height. for example, large mature bush roses can be pruned to 10 to 12 inches and smaller rose canes can be pruned to within 6 to 12 inches of the ground.

With its compelling beauty and wide range of uses, the rose is far hardier and tougher than you might think, and can be grown almost anywhere between USDA hardiness zones 3 and 11. As you can see,rose planting season is just around the corner, so learn the basics and you'll have a beautiful, fragrant garden in no time!